Steel-Industry Descaling

In the production of high-quality hot-rolled products, hydromechanical descaling is essential for quality reasons. Nowadays, the trend towards high-pressure descaling with water and pressures of approx. 200 - 400 bar is standard.

In plants with recycling of the descaling water, the challenge is the accumulation of finest iron oxide particles. Even with good filtration and settling tanks, scale residues remain in the process water. These are problematic for many conventional high-pressure pumps, as their seal sleeves, which are subject to friction wear, are subjected to severe stress.

The AXIFLEX pistons used in our HYDROWATT pumps are basically resistant to these descaling residues thanks to their hermetically sealed design.

Together with our competent specialist partners, we offer not only the manufacture of high-pressure pump stations but also complete high-pressure descaling systems including descaling booth, spray bar and, if required, the adaptation of the roller table.


Advantages of the HYDROWATT Descale Pumps

Our pumps prove virtually resistant to abrasive particles. Our descale pumps have a very compact design and are predestined for the replacement of existing pump systems. All of our pumps can be serviced quickly and easily by hand without lifting support/gear. They show very low flow pulsations.

HYDROWATT descale pump stations R250/250S installed in Germany. Total flow rate 6'400 liter/min at 400 bar (5'800 psi).